Get ready for COMPLIANCE

HAZINVENT is a unique cost-effective tool to replace the tedious manual process of IHM inventories with comprehensive and accurate digital inventories. It facilitates sampling, testing and reporting process; rendering the audit & certification process simple, standardized and digital.


We value more on QUALITY

About HAZinvent

Hazinvent is a complete closed loop system with an Android based Mobile APP and a Website interface to seamlessly develop inventory of Hazardous materials on board vessel. The Hazinvent empowers you to easily compile your Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM), ensuring regulatory compliance.

Hazinvent functionality covers the following aspects of the IHM process:

  • Main Dashboard - Manage clients, vessels, experts & auditors
  • Use Templates or existing Sister Vessels to create New Vessel profile which helps save lot of Time and speed up the Audit process.

Creativity is the key

You cannot develop systems or new applications without a massive amount of creativity. Balancing Innovation and Creativity leads to success.

  • Prepare Visual Sampling Check Plan (VSCP) and Location Diagrams(LD)
    • CREATE Vessel details with attachments of relevant Plans
    • CROP areas from plan to mark the sampling & visual check points
    • SELECT Locations, Sub Locations, Equipments, Object to Check and HAZMATS
  • Check, amend & approve prepared VSCP & Location Diagrams by Hazmat Expert
  • Verification of Drawings & Manuals
  • Download the approved VSCP to HAZinvent Mobile APP
  • Use the HAZinvent APP to carry out onboard survey – Take photos & Scan QR Codes of sampling data
  • Sync back the captured data to the web server
  • Get instant list of samples to be forwarded to the testing laboratory
  • After receiving test results, get final reports to be submitted to Class along with all the required attachments
  • Your Inventory of Hazardous Materials is ready!
Why only this SOFTWARE

Why use HAZinvent?

Our customers choose us because we provide leading technology, deliver unmatched services and training, and offer some of the best value in the industry. We also understand the Marine industry in which you operate, the importance of your customers, & the IT challenges you face.


Ease of Use

• Ease of use
• Eliminates paper-based records
• Copy VSCP of sister Vessels
• Crop plans from PDF/Images
• Unlimited Profiles and Inventories
• One click reporting


Cost Effective

A very cost effective solution to help you minimize the Inspection cost with Zero data loss. Get in touch with our sales team for a competitive price offer.


Domain Expertise

The team behind HAZinvent are the group of Marine professionals having more than 35 years of cummulative Marine Expertise and the group of IT professional having more than 32 years of cummulative experience in Shipping domain.

More about FEATURES

Features of HAZinvent

HAZinvent is equipped with features that support every stage of IHM development process to help you plan, track and prepare reports starting from creation of IHM and process up to the issuance of Document of Compliance.

Message Us

We are here to help you with all of your queries related to HAZinvent. Submit your queries to our experts for instant support.